Monday, October 11, 2010

Far away, but close to mind, a REALLY cool place to find some of the best photojournalism being made today, just published pictures of a toxic flood in Hungary.

So, thanks to the news sharig power of twitter, I found out today of the aforementioned spill, in the village of Kolontar.

Usually, people tend not to be too worried about  stuff going on on countries far, far away. But I've met friends for Hungary. And suddently I realized that every overseas disaster means that someone I know may be greatly affected.

And that, boys and girls, is how you become aware of world's problems!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Neither Sh*tting, nor getting off the Pot! (slightly NSFW)

Or: "How I got screwed thanks to YouTube!"

Arraial do Caloiro 2010 XIBeing a freelancer is a hard-time job.
Brian Ach's featured article on JPG Magazine offers a good, down-to-earth view on what it takes to be one, and you should read it.

It can be rewarding, but sometimes you kinda get screwed.

More, inside.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Investment in the future

I'm going for a new college degree.
Hopefully now my future will be assured.

Falcao Machado

Foreign Chicks
Making Money

Eh eh eh.
Couldn't resist it.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Expanding Business

Economy is progressively rising again, and new business opportunities are surfacing.

Henceforth, and if you haven't noticed yet, the frequent contact I have with Erasmus students in my city have led to the broadening of what JFM Photo has to offer.
Namely, novelty souvenirs!

Expanding Business

These license plates are the first step.

If you care about the strobist info, peer in...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


1k "friends"in FB means only one thing: people are adding me because of my pics. Which leads me to believe *you* like'em, and it makes me feel good.

But, alas, this means that in some time, I'll have my personal account filled with people I don't know.
As such, I'm moving to something new: a dedicated FB page just for pics. You can find it here.
(It's still in the making, forgive the spartan-look)

Also, from now on, I won't be accepting any new friends I don't know in person, sorry.

See you later...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Returning Home

20-04-2010: The day when families reunited, after the ashes of Eyjafjallajokull started to settle down.
Returning home I
On this tuesday, hundreds of airplanes were back up in the skies of central Europe and Scandinavia, after the ashes from the recent Icelandic volcanic eruption cleared the Troposphere, were commercial airspace is located.

This meant that stranded air-travelers finally got a chance to return home without resorting to common land transports.

More, after the jump.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Weekend DIY project: Softbox

So, long time-no see, eh?
Sorry for the updates delay, but I've been (kinda) busy all this time, and will soon post the goodies.

But first things first!

DIY softbox XI

As you realized by the title, I've been playing with tools in the weekend, to build myself a new light modifier.

More, after the jump...